Controllership, vested in the ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES section, includes cost control, billing and credit control, ensuring compliance with relevant laws, handling tax issues, preparation of financial statements, safeguarding assets through internal control, business advisory, information systems assurance, payroll system administration, inventory management and control, writing accounting policy and procedure manuals, procurement and asset management, scholarship grants administration, budgeting and budgetary control, providing information for management, and customer service.


John Mark Arguelles / school accountant
Email: johnmark.arguelles@spsps.edu.ph

June B. Sustento / supervising bookkeeper
Email: june.sustento@spsps.edu.ph

Kyle Agaton / student’s account clerk
Email: khyle.agaton@spsps.edu.ph

Oliver G. Del Pilar / aids & scholarships officer
Email: oliver.delpilar@spsps.edu.ph

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Sapientia et Servitium Gratia Dei
Wisdom and Service by the Grace of God 

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