Step 1: Pay the Assessment and Entrance Fee at the Finance Office
Step 2: Take the entrance Examination at the Center for Guidance and Career Services
Step 3: Present the Official Receipt (OR) to the Registrar’s Office and submit your Admission Credentials. The Registrar’s Office will give you an enrollment form to fill out.
Step 4: Proceed to Enrollment Coordinator of your Program for the subject enlistment. You will be guided to your respective Enrollment Coordinator.
Step 5: Secure signatures from the following office:
- Center for Health and Wellness (School Clinic)
- Center for Guidance and Career Services (CGCS)
- Office of Student Affairs (OSA)
- Center for Information and Communications Technology (CICT)
Step 6: Submit the completed Enrollment Form to the Registrar’s Office. Claim you Academic Load slip (this must be presented to your teachers during the first day of classes)
Step 1: Pay the entrance fee at the Finance Office
Step 2: Present the entrance fee Official Receipt (OR) at the Registrar’s Office
- The Registrar’s Office shall evaluate the student’s credentials and shall forward a photocopy of the student’s TOR to the respective Dean’s Office for evaluation and transfer of credits.
- The Dean’s/Vice-Dean’s Office shall evaluate the documents for subject/s crediting. They will coordinate with the Program Chairs for crediting professional courses. Then, they will produce 3 copies of Evaluation: 2 copies for the Registrar’s Office, and 1 copy for filing.
- The Registrar’s Office will give you an enrollment form.
Step 3: Fill out the enrollment form. Then you will be guided to the Enrollment Coordinator of your department for the subject enlistment
- The Enrollment Coordinator will enlist your subject/courses for the semester.
Step 4: Secure signatures from the following office:
- Center for Health and Wellness (School Clinic)
- Center for Guidance and Career Services (CGCS)
- Office of Student Affairs (OSA)
- Center for Information and Communications Technology (CICT)
Step 5: Submit the completed Enrollment Form to the Registrar’s Office. Claim you Academic Load slip (this must be presented to your teachers during the first day of classes)
Step 1: Pay the entrance fee online (CLICK HERE for the online payment instructions) insert link to the Finance Page
- The Finance Office shall activate your Enrollment Form. Check your portal regularly for the activation of the form.
Step 2: Fill out the Enrollment Form and click “Submit.
- Registrar’s Office shall forward the enrollment form to the Program Coordinators for subject enlistment
Step 3: Check your Student Portal for your enlisted subjects for the semester. The College Secretary will send your Academic Load Slip (this must be presented to your teachers during the first day of classes)
Step 1: Pay the entrance fee at the Finance Office
Step 2: Present the Official Receipt (OR) to the Registrar’s Office and submit your Admission Credentials. The Registrar’s Office will give you an enrollment form to fill out.
Step 3: Proceed to Enrollment Coordinator of your Program for the subject enlistment. You will be guided to your respective Enrollment Coordinator.
Step 4: Secure signatures from the following office:
- Center for Health and Wellness (School Clinic)
- Center for Guidance and Career Services (CGCS)
- Office of Student Affairs (OSA)
- Center for Information and Communications Technology (CICT)
Step 5: Submit the completed Enrollment Form to the Registrar’s Office. Claim you Academic Load slip (this must be presented to your teachers during the first day of classes)