1. How to compute the total amount due for the semester.

To compute the total amount due for the semester, you need to consider the tuition fee rate, which shall be multiplied by the number of units taken per semester. The tuition fee rate varies depending on the program you are enrolled in. Additionally, you need to add laboratory fees, matriculation, and total miscellaneous fees to the total tuition fee to get the total amount of school fees for the semester. The laboratory fees, matriculation, and total miscellaneous fees vary depending on the program.

  1. How to compute the amount due for an exam.

To compute the amount due for an exam, you should take the total school fees into account. For Senior High School Program, divide the total school fees into 10 equal installments; for college programs, divide it into 4 equal installments, and for the Juris Doctor Program, divide it into 3 equal installments to determine the amount due per examination term.

  1. How to view the account slip online.

To view the account slip online, you need to log in to your student portal account at http://spspsonline.com/student/index.php/home. The student portal account is a secure online platform that allows students to access their academic records, financial information, and other important information related to their enrollment in the school. Once you log in to your student portal account, you can navigate to the section that contains your account slip or billing statement. The account slip or billing statement shows the charges and payments made on your account for the current semester or academic year. It is important to review your account slip or billing statement regularly to ensure that all charges and payments are accurate. If you have any questions or concerns about your account slip or billing statement, you can contact the student account for officer for your assistance.

  1. How to make payments thru online banking and over the counter bills payment?

To make payments through online banking and over the counter bills payment, you can pay through the depository bank account and payment center such as:

       a. BPI

            Account Name:      Saint Paul School of Professional Studies

            Account Number:   001123-2427-1


       b. BDO

            Account Name:      Saint Paul School of Professional Studies
            Account Number:   000990-2902-47

       c. Palawan Express Padala

            Receiver name: Saint Paul School of Professional Studies Mobile number: 09770089749

After payment, you need to email the picture or pdf copy of the validated receipt or transaction slip to treasury@spsps.edu.ph.

The email body should include the name of the student, program and year level, semester of enrollment, purpose of payment, and mobile number.

Please Do Not Pay through the other unofficial channel other than those listed above. For payment concerns, you may email Ma. Celina Yu at treasury@spsps.edu.ph.

  1. How to make payments over the counter.

When making payments over the counter, you must present your school ID at the teller’s counter and pay the amount due per examination term. The teller will process your payment and provide you with a printed copy of the official receipt (OR) as proof of payment.

  1. Examination permit/Admission Slip

To obtain a printed copy of the admission slip for major exams at SPSPS, you need to present the official receipt of payment for the amount due per examination term to window 4. The subject teacher will only allow you to take the major exam after receiving your admission slip.

  1. How to apply for a scholarship and discount

To apply for scholarships and discounts at SPSPS, please follow these step

a. Send an email request to kristinekaye.bunales@spsps.edu.ph. State your intention for applying for the scholarship and discounts.

b. Wait for further instructions from the school’s administration.

If you have any questions or concerns about the scholarship and discount application process, please contact the school’s administration for assistance.

  1. How to request for a refund.

To request a refund, you need to fill out the request for refund form and submit it to window 5 of the finance office. The finance office will process the request within 30-90 days.

  1. How to request for a Statement of Account, Certification of Payment, and second copy of admission slip or examination permit.

To request a statement of account, certification of payment, and second copy of admission slip, you can pay P50.00 for each document to the teller’s counter. Afterwards, proceed to window 5 to submit the official receipt. Your request will be processed within 5-10 minutes.

Start your #BrighterFuture with SPSPS!

Sapientia et Servitium Gratia Dei
Wisdom and Service by the Grace of God 

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