October 9, 2024 | General News

Rotary Club of San Juanico Tacloban partners with SPSPS and IM Optimal Access, Inc. for Breast Cancer Awareness and Health & Wellness Symposium

To address the knowledge gap on Breast Cancer and Health & Wellness, Rotary Club of San Juanico Tacloban in partnership with Saint Paul School of Professional Studies (SPSPS) and IM Optimal Access, Inc., hosted a symposium for the Paulinian community on Monday, October 7.

Founder of IM Optimal Access, Inc. and wellness expert in management of chronic diseases in Los Angeles, California, Louisa Rio, MSHS, PHR, and Co-founder of IM Optimal Access Inc. and advocate for breast cancer screening, Rhea Espino, imparted a comprehensive discussion on symptoms of breast cancer, including non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors, as well as the effects of late detection.

Additionally, the discussion delved into essential topics such as breast cancer testing and examination techniques, highlighting the importance of regular screenings and self-examinations for early detection.

Participants learned about various strategies for reducing stress, including breathing exercises, and foundational pillars of a healthy lifestyle.

October is a significant month for Breast Cancer awareness in the Philippines. According to the latest data from the Department of Health (DOH), breast cancer remains one of the most common cancers among Filipino women.

With this initiative, SPSPS continues to cultivate support that empowers its employees and students to prioritize their health and well-being.

via Oliver Daiz

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