The following financial charges shall apply as scheduled:

Various Charges for late enrollment and dropping of subjects

a. Late submission of enrollment form with fine

  • After 15 days from enrollment date                                  P500.00

b. Charges for DROPPING of Subject/s or WITHDRAWAL of Enrollment

  • Not exceeding 5 days                                                      P250.00
  • More than 5 days but not more than 10 days                  P300.00
  • More than 10 days but not more than 20 days                10% of the total applicable school fees
  • More than 20 days but not more than 30 days                30% of the total applicable school fees
  • More than 30 days but not more than 40 days                50% of the total applicable school fees
  • More than 40 days but not more than 50 days                75% of the total applicable school fees
  • More than 50 days                                                           100% of the total

c. Charge for CHANGING and ADDING of subjects            P250.00 per subject

The following financial privileges may be availed by eligible enrollees (Senior High excluded) :

a. Cash Discount. 5% discount on tuition fee if total school fees are paid in full on or before August 29, 2023.

b. Entrance Scholars. Discounts for the following qualified entrants:

  • 100% on tuition fee for Valedictorian
  • 50% on tuition fee for Salutatorian
  • 25% on tuition fee for Honorable Mention


c. Family Discount. Discounts for siblings officially enrolled during the semester:


  • 5% on tuition fee to each of two siblings
  • 10% on tuition fee to each of three siblings
  • 15% on tuition fee to each of four siblings
  • 20% on tuition fee to each of five or more siblings

d. Alumni Discount. 5% discount on tuition fee to SPSPS Alumni

e. Employee Discounts. Discounts for SPSPS employees:

  • 10% discount on tuition fee to each sibling enrolled
  • 100% discount on tuition fee to each child enrolled (up to 4 children)
  • 100% discount on tuition fee for studying full-time faculty
  • 100% discount on tuition fee for studying full-time administrative employees
  • 50% discount on tuition fee for studying part-time employees 

f. Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card Discount (upon full payment of total school fees on or before the deadline)

BSBA-Major in Business Analytics                        10% discount on tuition fee

BSBA-Major in Business Economic                        10% discount on tuition fee

Other Programs                                                     5% discount on tuition fee

        Note: Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card Discount cannot be applied together with cash discount

  • The aforesaid discount privileges do not apply to Senior High School Students. [C, and D]

Start your #BrighterFuture with SPSPS!

Sapientia et Servitium Gratia Dei
Wisdom and Service by the Grace of God 

(523) 520 - 1778

Campetic Road, Palo, 6501 Leyte, Philippines

© 2023 Saint Paul School of Professional Studies. All rights reserved.
