Paulinian Student Government
The Paulinian Student Government (PSG) is the umbrella organization of all recognized student organizations in Saint Paul School of Professional Studies.
Council of Student Organizations
The Council of Student Organizations (CSO) is responsible for overseeing and promoting the co-curricular and extracurricular activities of student organizations, which are classified as PROF (Professional Organizations), SCORE (Socio-Civic Organizations), and SPIN (Special Interest Organizations)
A. Professional Organizations
Professional Organizations (PROF) are organizations that supplement the academic learning for a specific degree program.
Saint Paul Junior Marketing Association
The Saint Paul Junior Marketing Association (SPJMA) is the official marketing professional student organization of SPSPS, with the mission of upholding the school’s thrusts, promoting the art and science of marketing and its importance in the pursuit of creativity and innovation, and serving as a conduit to help provide students with the opportunity to conquer excellence and reach their full potential.
Junior Institute of Accounting Technicians
The Junior Institute of Accounting Technicians (JIAT) houses the students of Accounting Technology, a four-year program which combines a general business background focusing on management information systems and accounting to prepare students for specialized careers in accounting, auditing, consulting, business analysis, and management.
Junior People Management Association of the Philippines
The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) is a national youth organization guided by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) that commits to develop and empower its members to enable them to grow from academic to professional level as future people managers of the society.
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants
The Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) represents the world for the young accountants in the Philippines. JPIA is an organization established to develop its members as responsible, well-rounded individuals. It is likewise instituted to promote, to organize, and to coordinate activities for the welfare of the students and to nurture them not just to become a good student in their respective campuses but to their community as well.
B. Special Interest Organizations
Special Interest Organizations (SPIN) enhance the students’ special interest and talents whether in the field of sports or arts.
Mind, Art, and Sound of Kindred Intrinsic
The Mind, Art, and Sound of Kindred Intrinsic (MASKI) is an organization that not only specializes in the field of visual arts but also aims to be an avenue for students who want to acquire knowledge, improve, explore and engage in the field of visual arts. In the organization, one will be able to freely express their creativity however (and whenever) they want.
Saint Paul Chorale
The Saint Paul Chorale (SPC) is an organization committed to serve the school through singing. The choir members find joy by sharing this God-given gift to inspire others and provide an avenue for their fellow students to enhance their talents.
Saint Paul Dance Academy
The Saint Paul Dance Academy (SPDA) is an organization in SPSPS that gives Paulinians an opportunity in showcasing their talents and dancing skills. The SPDA is a dance group that enhances students’ ability in dancing and helps them boost their confidence to perform on a stage and grow their personality in a better way through trainings and workshops.
Saint Paul Debate Society
The Saint Paul Debate Society (SPDS) is the official debate varsity team of SPSPS where students are trained to think faster, argue better, and speak more clearly and with a sense of purpose and style.
Saint Paul Badminton Team
The Saint Paul Badminton Team (SPBT) is an organization that teaches students how to play badminton. It teaches the importance of badminton and the value of sportsmanship.
Saint Paul Chess Club
The Saint Paul Chess Club (SPCC) has been around for years to develop and enhance the skills of every Paulinian chess enthusiast through chess clinics, trainings, tournaments, etc. Also, the club is able to empower and promote the skills of its members outside the school with the help of chess educators.
Saint Paul Table Tennis Club
The Saint Paul Table Tennis Club (SPTT) is an organization that strives to improve and develop their talents in the sport through participating, training, and so on. For years, this sport has been a part of SPSPS, ensuring that students understand the value of camaraderie and sportsmanship.
Saint Paul Volleyball Club
The Saint Paul Volleyball Club (SPVC) is the volleyball organization in SPSPS. It aims to support young student-athletes in their pursuit of excellence not only in academics, but also in volleyball.
Saint Paul Taekwondo Club
The Saint Paul Taekwondo Club (SPTKD) aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn Taekwondo, a traditional Korean martial art that teaches more than just physical fighting techniques. The club is a student-run organization that aims to instill confidence, cooperation, and perseverance in students by having them practice self-defense, forms, sparring, and board breaking with their peers
C. Socio-Civic Organizations
Socio-Civic Organizations (SCORE) are organizations that develop in each student social consciousness, civic concern, as well as religious upliftment.
Paulinian Action for Christian Evangelization
The Paulinian Action for Christian Evangelization (PACE) is an organization in SPSPS that unites people who are willing to serve the purposes of the church. It is an organization that spreads the word of God and follows the footsteps of the Lord, just like serving not just the church but also a community.
Campus Relations Corps
The Campus Relations Corps (CRC) is tasked with maintaining good public relations among SPSPS’ internal and external clients.
Paulinian Student Assistants
The Paulinian Student Assistants (PSA) is an independent organization that primarily helps students who are less fortunate, especially those who were not able to continue their studies due to financial reasons but are willing to finish their degree. In addition, this organization helps students reach their dreams with a perfect blend of enjoyment, learning, and challenges that will shape them into a better version of who they are.