If research sets a school apart from other schools, and from other educational levels across disciplines, then Saint Paul School of Professional Studies (SPSPS) will build on this premise, and for other development reasons.
From the classrooms and outside of these, SPSPS values the contributions research brings to quality instruction, responsive community service, business and entrepreneurship. At SPSPS, research is both a course/subject and a process that is integrated in selected core, major, and basic courses in the senior high school, college, and law programs.
Among these are: institutional study on the labor market in Region 8 commissioned by the Canadian government through a local business chamber and now used by government and business as part of their data banks; some 10 relevant student researches in three separate categories saw acceptance in a national research and development congress; a collaborative study on land administration and management; faculty research presentation in national fora; monographs on Schools for Communities; and chairmanship in a technical working group in the Regional Research Development and Innovation Committee (RRDIC) with 10 state-owned universities and colleges (SUCs) and the UP Visayas Tacloban College as members. Among its advocacy is to integrate entrepreneurship in the RRDIC and the Regional Development Council’s (RDC) research agenda.
SPSPS is the only private higher education institution in the region that seats in the Regional Statistics Committee (RSC), and the RDC.
In its 27th year, SPSPS aligns research with the National Higher Education Research Agenda, Ambisyon 2040, and the RDC.